Friday, May 30, 2008

Naptime Struggles

On days like today, I can almost... almost... see how parents can go berzerk and beat the living daylights out of their own child. I'm so. SO. SOOOO sick of dealing with naptime and bedtime with Rory. Its going on THREE FUCKING HOURS of him getting his little ass out of bed. I've taken toys away. I've promised a reward for staying in bed. I praised him to no end the other day for taking a good nap and not getting out of bed. I finally have resorted to swatting his butt, and now spanking. I just did the horrid "cheek pinch" and growled in his face a threat to spank him hard if he got out of bed again. Something my mother used to do. *shudder* I've turned into my mother. My fucking God... I can see why she acted the way she did. Kids are so damn irritating sometimes.