Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day Update

I should probably follow up and end this dramatic story.

When Rory woke up, Max gave him a card to give to me. Two, actually. One from Rory and one from him. I opened the card from Rory and left Max's card. He acted stunned that I didn't want to open it. I told him I didn't want anything from him at this point. Gifts were not necessary, it would have been nice to just have been shown some appreciation for being the Mother of his children that day. And since he did the opposite and made me feel like a worthless piece of crap all day, his gift meant nothing to me.

We went to the inlaws. The ride over he told me we need to go to therapy or counseling or whatever. (we've discussed this recently, as we've realized that in the past 2 years we've gone downhill, become distant etc). But then he mentions that *I* need therapy by myself as well... as *I* am not myself anymore. *I* am the reason he reacts the way he does to me.

Hmm. Sure. Whatever.

He then goes on about how hurt he is that I didn't wake him up, that it was so rude of me to make him look like the bad guy etc etc. Well, that still doesn't give you reason to treat me like a piece of dirt, especially on Mother's Day.

The whole time at my inlaws he was kissing butt, trying to be nice. I told him to turn the show off and that I could see through it. It was a silent night at our house.

The next day when he got home from work he said he'd been thinking, and that I was right. He was wrong and it was his fault he didn't wake up and he was mad at himself for going back to bed and instead of taking responsibility he tried to put the blame anywhere else except for himself. He apologized and I told him fine. He still didn't apologize or acknowledge the fact that he RUINED Mother's Day for me. Instead of making me feel special and appreciated, he made me feel small and worthless and uncared for. I guess we'll see how nice I am on Father's Day....


Cass. Just Curious said...

I got the whole therapy thing too about 4 months ago now. I believe the quote was "before this baby gets here maybe you want to get some therapy - you're all over the place and it's scary".

I lost it. Could WEEEE use more therapy - YES. DO I NEED therapy, probably. DO I NEED TO BE TOLD I NEED THERAPY - NOOOOOOOO.

I left. I went to a hotel and sobbed in the parking lot - then I went to Target and went home and went to bed.

He's a little tiny bit smarter now and wouldn't say that because I think my leaving the premises for the extended period of time after the last shot was enough of a scare for him to know that: Yes, I really could leave. And No, I wouldn't spend a long time looking in the rearview.