Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spiraling out of control

This will be my first "official" post. And I don't even know where to begin. I feel like I am spiraling out of control.. my thoughts, emotions, relationships with people and everything. Where do I begin?

It started with an issue with my sister. She's pregnant with her second child out of wedlock and she has always depended on family to take care of her child and she also received some state assistance (low cost housing, FIA for daycare etc...). She announced she was pregnant again by a different guy and that they weren't together. I tried to keep my mouth shut, but she retorted by calling me judgmental so I lit into her and told her exactly what I thought and what everyone else thought behind her back. Its just out of control. I feel better that I let off some steam, but then I'm left thinking I should have just kept my mouth shut and not rocked the boat. Anyone else ever do that?

And then I find something out about a friend... she and her husband pretty much can't stand my husband. I knew she had an anonymous blog online and I just happened to check it today and found her only post thus far was about my family... how she can't stand my husband and her husband can't stand him either. Kind of makes for some awkward get togethers in the future. I don't know if I should bring this to her attention that I know their feelings towards my husband, or if I should just keep my mouth shut.

I guess it all stems from me not being able to keep my mouth shut! I am judgmental. I have strong opinions on things and sometimes I feel its best to just be open about it. But then I often find that it backfires.

I vent about my husband a lot. Well, most would say I "bitch" about my husband a lot. I love him, but my word sometimes he drives me crazy and I just need to vent. And now I feel bad about writing on my regular blog about him because I'm thinking that everyone thinks he's a total ass.

And then I go back to this "finding" with a friend and wonder.... is he really an ass? If they don't like him... what does that mean? I guess I feel that way because they're the type of people who give this presence that they have this perfect, holy marriage and they're so respectful to eachother and blah blah blah.

Well, this is becoming quite rambling. I might need to come back to edit and make it more understandable. Maybe I'll elaborate in another post each of these topics. Right now I need to just write it down and get it out.


"Constance-1-M" said...

Wow! You came to the right building honey ~ pull up a couch cushion & let's dish!

How good of a friend is she? If she's an inseperable/will last longer than time kind of friend, then I would wonder why she's bitching online & telling you.

I know my husband can be an ass to the general public ~ but I love him & that's all that matters in the end. I know he can be an ass to me ocassionally, but I can be a bitch so I figure we're even! LOL

On the sister pregnancy ~ I would be thinking the same things, but I'm in no position to judge as we are broke as shit & may have gotten knocked up so I'm in no position to throw around opinions on that one!

Constance The Twenty Fourth said...

Sounds like we have a lot in common- my sister, dependent on our family as well, just gave birth to her first, out of wedlock, I have a "friend" who doesn't like my husband (though she hasn't come out and said that), and I am FOREVER battling with the decision of "do I say something or keep my mouth shut?" I can totally relate.

It also sounds like you are in great need of this new apartment- enjoy it!

Cass. Just Curious said...

One of my very good friends and I tried to have a double date with our husbands. It bombed. It sucked really bad. He's like the perfect husband (this is his second wife so he's kind of got it figured out what NOT to do) and well mine isn't...perfect. I know that she must talk to her husband about my husband and that the judging is pretty much constant....I don't know what you do - I can say for us we've never seen them as a couple again and that was a year ago.