Friday, April 25, 2008

I think I need a new dishwasher....

Mine is about 5'9", dark hair, dark eyes and seems to be broken.

I've left (very nice) instructions each morning to PLEASE wash up the dishes in the sink and the past two mornings I've woken to a sink full of dirty dishes.

Bleh! Not a fun way to start the day.

See... Max and I have a deal....
I do laundry.
He often folds/puts away the clean laundry.
He washes dishes.
I often put away the clean dishes.

Its a good trade off. However, I find that I'm constantly staring at a sink full of dirty dishes. Is it THAT hard to take 10 minutes at the end of the day to clean up the sink??

If we had room in the kitchen in this house... we'd have bought a dishwasher years ago. Just to save us arguments over something so petty. Kind of like how I'm seriously contemplating having a cleaning lady come once a month to do that "deep cleaning" that I always end up doing... and then resenting Max because I'm always the one who thinks to clean the baseboards and behind the toilet and all that fun stuff...