Monday, April 6, 2009

This and that

There have been lots of things I've filed away in my brain to post about.  Lots of things I want to blog, to try to sort out, to vent about but can't on my regular blog.

  • Changes: for real or superficial?
    Awhile back I had a falling out with a friend.  Basically, she was in a rough spot in her life, was very negative and I tried to bring it to her attention.  She took it the wrong way, my efforts backfired, she dug up dirt from a previous situation that I never new was an issue and well, nuclear war began.  Mean words passed back and forth... exaggerated accusations... the works.  Her blog posts were constantly negative, whining and pessimistic.  Well, since we've not been friends of course I still blog stalk (as she does mine and occasionally comments) and her posts are a complete 180.  Positive and lighthearted and happy. 

    I've had falling outs with friends and typically they are rebuilt and refreshed.  This friendship... well, after the fact I really had no desire to have anything to do with her.  The loss of the friendship was not significant to me (despite that before we "broke up" she was easily one of my closest friends even though we live in different states).   I hated her for the things she spit in my face.  I hated that she took my words and twisted them.  I thought I'd never care if I was friends with her again.

    Since then, we've both apologized and admitted we hate that our friendship failed.  We haven't become friends but I'd say we're cordial with eachother online.  I read her posts now and feel so sad that we've both missed out on so much of eachothers lives... so many momentous things... good and bad... I feel sad that we're not close, that we're not friends... that she's not calling me with her great news, which would be a complete 180 from how our friendship ended--- her always calling me to complain or whine.  Why could she not be this way when we were friends?  Or... is this just a facade?  Is it a show to appear happy?  To appear different? 

    I suppose I'll never know. 
  • Vacationing: once bitten twice shy... or something like that
    A good friend of mine recently suggested that we take a family vacation next year to a beach.  Sounds great... our kids are similar ages and in theory, it sounds like an amazing time.  However, I've done the friend vacationing before and in 2 separate cases my husband and I, or our family, or something like that has proven to be frienship breakers.  I guess, in others opinions, there is something about vacationing with my family that is unpleasing.  So... while this friend and her family are so fun to hang out with, we all get along great... I'm a little skittish at the idea of doing a vacation with them for fear that it would ruin our frienship.  However, her husband is quite laid back and they are pretty non-judgmental so maybe they would be able to overlook/embrace our flaws without demolishing our friendship? 

  • Back off of my space:  being territorial about "my" church
    My sister... which I've blogged here about quite a few times.... has recently began attending my church.  (My church which I've been slacking on attending in the past few months).  Last week she "invited" me to "my" church... well, to go with her.  She said she felt like she "needs to be saved" from her baby-daddy-drama situation.  Whatever... we all need to be "saved".  What irritates me is that it seems like she's only doing this... going to church... trying to be involved... because her 2nd baby's daddy (ugh how I hate how that sounds) is taking her to court to determine custody/parenting time.  So it seems she's trying to make herself out to be some holy roller.  I should be glad/proud that she's trying to make a change but I can't help but be skeptical that its for the wrong reasons.