Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thanks, and have a wonderful brainless weekend!

A bitch post about my husband. Who is driving me absolutely nuts this weekend.

Let's start with yesterday when I asked him to take the boys for their flu shots while I was 2 hours away out of town for work. I told him I wasn't sure if Beck would get one b/c he wasn't old enough, but to ask the doctor. Well, on my way home I called and he took Rory to the doctor but not Beck. That's right... he had his dad babysit B while he took R 5 minutes away to the doctor. Abso-fucking-re-diculous. I find it hilarious that I can take both boys grocery shopping, on errands, to doctor's appointments etc... but he can't manage a 5 minute flu shot appointment. And what a hypocrite too... he hates it when dads taking care of their kids is referred to as "babysitting" yet he has to get a babysitter when he's "on duty" taking care of the boys.

And now today.... we have a birthday party to be at at 4pm. It's 1:00 and I'm wondering where Max and the boys are... so I assumed he'd just decided to lay them down for naps at his dad's and would pick me up later. I called and Rory is JUST eating lunch. At 1:00. And hadn't napped, obviously. He "figured" he'd just let him nap on the oh-so-long 20 minute car ride home. Yeah, right... I think I've mentioned on here what a BEAR Rory is when he is woken up from naps... he'll often throw a tantrum for an hour just because he's cranky. So now Rory probably won't fall asleep until at LEAST 1:30/2 and seeing he typically takes a 2-3 hour hap he'll have to be woken up meaning he'll be a monster all afternoon for the birthday party and all evening. So I told Max to keep them there and lay him down for a nap at his dads. And wake him up at 3:15 and come pick me up. I'm sure Rory will act like raging asshole the whole car ride home after being woken up from his snooze but what's worse is Max will be short tempered with him even though its fully HIS fault that Rory didn't get a good nap.

Why can't some men just grow a brain already?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sticks and stones...

How do you get past things that people have said to you that have hurt your feelings or crushed your trust in them?  How do you heal those wounds and begin to rebuild that relationship?  Do you? Is it possible?  Does it depend on the severity of the words?  Does it depend on the topic?  The actions of the person?  How they handled their actions (whether they apologized or not... whether they meant it or not)?  Does it depend on the stubbornness of the people on either side of the issue?

I've been pondering this a lot lately.... I've been on both sides at some time or another in my life.  I've thrown words that hurt others and I've received hurtful words aimed at me as well.  I've had many ins and outs of relationships where we (I and whoever else it is... parent, friend, husband, sibling etc) have moved past the anger/hurt/betrayal/differences and have picked up where we left off.  Sometimes it was resolved and healed quickly.  Sometimes its taken weeks or months or even years to confront those hurt feelings and move past it.

In the past year I've had a few relationships hit turmoil.  Some sprung back quickly and others haven't.   In most cases, I've always had relationships come back full circle... although sometimes they're never the same as before.  Sometimes they're better. Sometimes they're worse.  Some cases... they haven't come full circle and that is what makes me wonder.  Why?  Why is it easy to disregard other hurt feelings/arguments/disagreements but not others?   Why do some situations take longer to get over... to forgive and forget?  In some cases is it impossible to forgive and forget?