Sunday, October 18, 2009

How dare you

How dare you judge me on what type of language I use around my children.

How dare you tell me that *I* need to set an example for my children and avoid occasional curse words.

How dare you...

Because what examples are YOU teaching your children?

That having 2 kids with 2 different fathers is ok?

That not being married to either of those fathers is ok?

That living in government assisted housing is ok?

How dare you act like my occasional swearing in front of my children is the worst thing in the world.   Children learn that there are adult beverages that they can not have.  Children learn that there are adult activities they cannot participate in (driving cars, using the oven).  They can also learn that there are adult words they should not use.

But you.  Your children will never learn what it is like to live in a family.  With their mom and dad in one home.  In one home paid for by the hard work of that mom and dad.

And that, my dear, is sad.