Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grandparents are dropping like flies... though not in the typical way

I most definitely can't post this on my regular blog as my mother reads.  Maybe it would be better to do so and get my feelings out in the open but I prefer not to. She knows how I feel without me even saying a thing. 
Awhile back, oh 7 year or so ago, my mom up and moved out of state to the East Coast to be with a man she met on vacation.  She's a southerner, beach girl at heart and she's always hated this state we live in with its cold winters.  Funny that that's where she chose to live while she and my dad raised us.  Why, I wonder?  Probably because our family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, were here.
So, she moved.  And she left my pre-teen brother behind to live with my dad.  My dad who has no parenting skills and pretty much let my brother do whatever he pleased.  He's now supposed to be a senior but isn't going to be gradutating because he's failed so many classes, missed to much school.  And my mom wonders what happened.

Anyhow, she moved back "home" about 3 years ago.  She left the asshole she married- an alcoholic who was verbally abusive and slightly off his mental rocker. 
She never actually divorced him.
She told me last night she was thinking about taking a job back on the East Coast.  Which means she's taking it.  I was livid, but had nothing to say to her.
I spoke with my grandma and she said she (mom) had been talking to "ex" asshole husband about getting back together.  Which means she's moving back with him. 
I don't know what this is going to do to Rory.  His other grandma just passed away (so prematurely) last fall and now the grandma that he is obsessed with (as in... EVERY DAY tells me he misses her even if he saw her just the day before) is moving 12 hours away. 
I know my mom thinks Rory will be able to come stay with her for a week or so in the summer and what not but to hell if my children are going to go visit her alone (if at all!) and be around a maniac, an alcoholic, who verbally abuses their grandma.  I don't care if he has been sick and has stopped drinking. 
So she's moving.  Away from all of her family and off to live with an asshole who deserves every bit of sickness he has.  And now my children's only "active" grandparents in their life will be my grandma and Max's dad.  My dad has little to do with the kids, Max's mom passed away and now my mom is moving.   Fan-fucking-tastic.